Sunday, 9 September 2018



  1. In our school we do not wear uniforms, and are assembly process is way different! When we have assemblies the whole school, grade, or team (depending on who and what the assembly is for) all gather around the auditorium. We usually just have a guest speaker talking to us!! We don't really have super interactive assemblies.

  2. I, personally, find this assembly to look incredibly interesting. Unlike our school, they take place outside (or at least, this one did), and it looks like the students even get to speak! During our assemblies, it’s usually just the teachers and staff faculty talking to us, and we never get to talk to each other. I think it’s awesome you guys get to speak to your peers during an assembly, it probably makes you feel like a part of the topic, yeah?

  3. International Blog Report
    Hello! I’m Liv from Holland Middle School in Pennsylvania, and I noticed that even though we have a lot of distance between us, a lot of things here are the same there! First off, one thing that is very different is times. I’m currently in school tying you this, and it is 2:16 in the afternoon, while it is 11:46 at night for you guys! So you guys are probably sleeping right now, while I’m discovering all the things that we have in common! One thing that I noticed is during your assembly’s, not only one staff member or student will talk. In the pictures that I am looking at it seems to look like all of the students are taking turns saying something, and doing presentations. We do that all the time here, either while were in the class talking in front of our current class, or the teachers during a big assembly with the whole school. Also, another thing I noticed is that you guys have elections like we do! I don’t know in fact what you might call them there because most schools even in my areas will have different names, but we have “student council” which is students who take on the responsibility of picking things for the rest of our school. One last thing I saw is that you guys wear uniforms. Since I go to public school, we don’t have mandatory outfits to wear to school everyday, but I know plenty of schools that do and I might go to one next year for high school. It was so cool getting to learn so much about your school! Hope to hear back!

  4. Looking at your school assembly I find it pretty cool how your assemblies are outside. Here in America, we have a huge auditorium and it is just very different. I like how the students present and talk and not just adults and teachers. It seems that mostly every student is involved and I personally find that to be pretty cool that you guys are that close. Unlike at our school you guys where uniforms which is cool. In all, school in India looks to be a great atmosphere in altogether.
