Sunday, 9 September 2018



  1. Did you guys enjoy getting to watch the presenter with the snake? It’s so cool that you got to be able to see the snake so up close and not having a barrier between you. Do you guys get a lot of snakes where you guys live? I’ve only ever seen like 3 snakes in my whole life, and they were all in the grass at our school. We all had to stay inside until they caught it. Ours were only corn snakes, but yours looked dangerous. Well I hope all of you stay safe from any animals you find. Have fun in school!

  2. Hi I was looking through your blog post on wildlife. I live in Pennsylvania and most of the wildlife here is deer, but in your post I saw the snake. That man who showed you guys that snake is probably a veterinarian and telling about how dangerous it is. I wonder if snakes are the biggest danger in your area or if there are any other animals. I think that snake is a water snake because you guys live on the coast. Thanks for posting that bye.

  3. I enjoyed looking at the pictures on this blog! In my school, we do not have to wear uniforms. It's so cool that your school is right on the coast, I would love to have a beach right next to my school. In my school, we have two levels with A LOT of stairs! What kind of animals live where you are? Where I live, in the United States, they are not many dangerous wild animals. Only animals like deer, squirrels, rabbits, and other rodents live here. Your school looks so colorful from the outside! Beautiful!

  4. I looked at pictures of the wild life awareness photos and they look cool you gotta see a snake. They would never happen at my school. Also your school is so cool it's right by the water. At my school we do not have class presidents. There is about 1000 people in my school.
    Hopefully you see my comment.

  5. This looks like it would be a pretty fun and important assembly. The snake the man was handling looked dangerous. One time my class went to a local nature center where we learned about local snakes and other animals. I can imagine that it was somewhat like your assembly. Were there any other animals you learned about? Do you guys have this assembly every year? Anyway the pictures were cool and fun to look at. Thank you.
